Thursday 23 October 2014

Woman finds 3 inch leech in her nose after Asia holiday


It’s hard to imagine that you could have a 3 inch creature in your nose for a month and not realise it! Well a backpacker from Scotland who had been seeing the sights of Vietnam and Cambodia found on returning home that a leech had found a nice comfortable new home in her nose!
The unfortunate host of the leech was 24 year old Daniela Liverani from Edinburgh and believed that the nosebleeds from which she was suffering were down to a crash she had been involved in and thought a leaking blood vessel was the cause.
However when she took a shower she noticed that the rather dark thing in her nose was not a blood clot but an animal of some description. . That was the moment when Miss Liverani realised it was not a blood clot, but that she was housing a parasite.
Reporting to accident and emergency, the staff there set to work to try and remove the creature with forceps and tweezers. Now of course it is not every day, that as a medic you are presented with this sort of task and although it apparently took about thirty minutes they eventually presented Miss Liverani with the parasite that she had been housing for a few weeks.
So did she decide to keep Mr Curly as she called him, well no, she decided that the best course of action was to boil him and set him to rest in the Edinburgh City Council waste bin. A fitting end to the hitch hiker Daniela brought back from her travels.


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